A look at the system (screenshot from NOAA's website)

On my way home from school today, I figured that there might be a good opportunity for a great sunset shot down at the lake tonight. However, as I got into Muskegon it was clear that the holes in the clouds I had seen on my way home were becoming less frequent and the prospects for good light were fading quickly. I got down to Pere Marquette Beach where it seemed like 1/3rd of Muskegon's population was hanging out watching the waves crash over the lighthouse. I couldn't help but laugh at all the people with their point and shoot camera's out taking pics in horrible light, using their flash. Man, I wanna see some of those shots :D
Any way, I parked near the water filtration plant and waited, and waited, and waited for good light. There was a point when the sun poked through the clouds in as a glowing orange orb casting decent light on the lighthouse, but I wasn't quite set up yet; and to be honest, I felt that if I shot anything at that time that it would be awfully cliche as everyone has shots of the Muskegon lighthouse. An isolated patch of rain rolled though and it looked like all was lost save for one potential sucker hole I could see behind the rain. I went back to my car disappointed that I didn't get down to the beach sooner thinking that the night was a bust and as I started my drive home in the fading rain when I noticed that the smokestacks at the old Paper mill were starting to glow with a familiar hue. Looking around, the sucker hole that I had my eye on was now passing overhead. I drove as quickly as I could (legally) to Kruse park to capture what was left of the fading light. This was the result of my efforts. Hope you dig it, because it almost didn't happen.

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